Sunday, October 16, 2011

A lot like Fluffy

This weekend I worked at BYU's Lost and Found sale.  My shift started at 6a.m. and ended at 1p.m.  The actual sale went from 9-12.  My job was to stand outside of a door the entire time and tell people to use the other entrance.  For those of you who are familiar with the wilk, I was at the door in between the ballroom and the cougareat.  The patrons were supposed to enter through the garden court door (the glass room in between jamba and the ballroom) that is right by Jamba Juice.  This was crucial because they had to check their backpacks, purses, and coats so that we could make sure they didn't steal anything.  Apparently, locking the door I was posted by would not suffice.  In a sense, I was like Fluffy, the 3-headed dog off of HP1.  However, instead of guarding a valuable wizarding object, I had to make sure no one snuck into the sale with their backpack on. 
The first 2-3 hours were horrible because no one was even there.  I literally stood by a door for 2 hours staring off into space.  We are not allowed to text, do homework, or do anything to entertain us.
You would think things would have been more endurable when patrons actually started coming, but no!  Every time I told them that they had to walk around to jamba juice they all let out groans and complaints about how far of a walk it was, probably a whole 200 feet!  To make matters worse, I couldn't even see into the sale to see what cool and funky things were for sale! I literally started at a blank wall for 8 hours!  Then my roommate came out and had purchased a Tiffanys ring for 50 cents and a Juicy bracelet for $1! That could have been me if I didn't have to be Fluffy!!! At least Fluffy got music in the end!
By my third hour I tried to find the positives to my job.  It dawned on me that I was in fact a bouncer! Who would have ever thought that I would have been a bouncer??  I always imagined myself as the cool person that had an in with the bouncer so I could by-pass the line! I invisioned this to be at a popular club or concert, not at the BYU Lost and Found sale! I can't say that my dream job has ever been to be a bouncer but I can now check that off of my bucket list!
By the last hour, I came up with the Fluffy comparison.  We were both angry and tired.  We were both chained to our post, mine being metaphorically speaking.  However, I don't want to be like Fluffy.  I identify myself with Harry Potter.  Instead of being the geeky door monitor I am supposed to be the person cleverly sneaking in.  Instead of earning $7.25 an hour, I should be earning the Sorcerer's stone.

Yours truly,

Fluffy, the three-jobbed Caitlin


  1. I love your stories! You forgot to mention the part about the pick-up line.

  2. I must hear this about the pick up line!! And I also love your stories! On the bright side, at least now you could write an entertaining blog post!!
