Saturday, October 8, 2011

A lot like... my week (by Nicole)

Little anecdotes from my week:

#1:  Brownies

Prior Me self-righteously decided NOT to buy brownie mix from the grocery store.  Present Me did not appreciate it one bit.  So Present Me had to make an emergency trip to the grocery store, just for brownie mix - but then decided that maybe Prior Me had a point, so substituted apple sauce instead of vegetable oil... and suffered for it.  The Hubs ate the entire pan of brownies (minus a few tiny little ones eaten by Present Me) over the course of 2-3 days.  Then The Hubs complained that brownies were not as tasty as usual.  The apple sauce trick was confessed, to much indignation. 

Lesson Learned:   Be Wary of Prior Me. 

#2:  Litter

My friend Amber had a lot of good things to say over the merits of wood pellet litter instead of normal gravel kitty litter.  So I thought maybe it was worth a try.  But it was a flop.  Lola essentially gave us the finger.  She promptly had an accident.  Then when I tried to put her in her litter box, she bit at me.  Then scrambled like mad to get out of the litter box, made a huge mess of the litter in trying to escape, then ran around like a maniac eating the wood litter pellets that had fallen on the floor. 

Lesson Learned:  Stick to Gravel Litter.

#3:  Crazy Dog Lady

It seems too irresistable to take pictures of Lola and text them to friends and coworkers with funny captions.  Only I am beginning to get the suspicion that some friends are starting to think I am a crazy dog lady.  Why?  Oh, because they ask me how Lola is doing, and if Lola has any messages for them.  "Of course not," I say, "geez, she IS a DOG."

Lesson Learned:  keep texting dog pics, but to Lauren only  (yes, even Caitlin has made me feel stupid)

#4:  Snort/Laughing

At some point in the past couple months, I've started snorting sometimes when I laugh too hard.  It is so embarassing.  I don't know why I started, or how to stop myself.  Good thing Dave still loves me.

Lesson Learned:  Advice for sisters - snort/laugh in front of your potential boyfriend and see how he reacts.  If adversely, dump him.

#5:  Murphy's Law

Had an embarassing moment at work this week.  I had to give a powerpoint presentation in front of a lot of people, including senior management.  I carefully added red and green circles to my powerpoint slides, to circle the good and bad results.  There were a lot of numbers in the exhibits, so the red/green circles were CRUCIAL.  During the middle of my presentation, the computer froze (which had my presentation on it).  I said, "hummm, not sure what to do now."  Someone handed me a black & white copy of the presentation, and said, "keep going, you can use this."  I felt like the Wizard of Oz, sans curtain.  I floundered, but got back on my feet when the computer situation was fixed.  Afterwards, several people came up to me and said things to the effect of "you did pretty well, considering..." which is not the best sort of compliment, but I guess that's how it goes some days.

Lesson Learned:  bring color copies

#6:  Dave has a man cold.

1 comment:

  1. I like your week Nicole. You're a good writer. You should text me a picture of Lola sometime. I would smile and keep my comments to myself :)

    Love you
